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OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

1370 中央接收


理由是:  为十大菠菜台子(大学)提供有关接收和分发所有货物的指导方针和信息,以支持大学相关职能, excluding those serviced by the Mail Services Department. 

政策:  中央收货部(CRD)负责接收来自外部承运人的包裹(不包括来自美国的包裹).S. 邮政服务, (由邮件收发室处理),并把这些包裹送到订购部.  职责包括对收到的货物进行外部目视检查,并使用自动跟踪系统记录正确和及时地将货物处理到卸货地点.

CRD不负责在目的地部门内分类或分发包裹.  每个订购部门负责核实包裹的内容是否与其装箱单相符,并与订购的内容一致.

大学人员下订单,导致包裹递送到大学应该包括加快递送的信息, i.e., 部门名称, department location, purchase order number whenever possible, and the name of the individual who placed the order.

All items must be University business related.  The CRD will not accept any personal shipments.


SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:  此政策适用于所有接收邮件的大学部门,但邮件服务部处理的邮件除外.  看到 OU美联社&P #1340 Mail Service for information regarding those items.


调用标记由供应商发出的预先写好地址的标签,用以支付退货物品的运费.  应通知外部承运商通过CRD提取物品并将其归还给供应商.

中央接收 Department (CRD):  Formerly called Shipping and Receiving, 该部门接受大学社区的货运,并将这些物品分发到适当的订购部门.  The staff reports to the Director of University Services.

外部载体:  A person or business that transports goods to the University from an outside vendor; for example, United Parcel Service (UPS) and Federal Express (联邦快递).

商品:  代表学校购买的商品包括但不限于用品, 材料, 和设备.

追踪号码:  由外部运营商分配给大多数来自外部来源/供应商的包的多数字/字符标识.  CRD扫描所有包裹,并贴上条形码识别标签,以跟踪从接收码头到最终收件人的校内路线.



The CRD staff will maintain normal operating hours.  看到 CRD的网站 for more information.  工作人员应该在大学的接收码头接受那些遵循标准交付时间表(UPS)的承运人的包裹, 联邦快递).  当员工外出完成校园配送时,如果有随机货物到达, CRD staff will be contacted via electronic communication.


  • 本署会按包裹上的地址或本署总部派送包裹.

  • 交货的工作日与大学的商业日历一致.  A signature is required at the time of delivery.  This will preferably be captured electronically on a hand-held device.

  • 大学社区可以通过直接联系CRD安排在接收码头领取包裹的时间.

  • 任何特殊的交货问题或指示必须通知采购部门, or if the package(s) requires special handling (such as size).  This information should also be communicated to CRD. 

  • The CRD vehicle has size and weight restrictions.  If a package is too large for CRD to move, 本署会协助订房部安排由搬家公司或与大学签订合约的本地公司送货.  The ordering department will be responsible for any related expenses.

  • 应要求,CRD可提供临时存储新收到的货物,但不超过72小时.

  • 接收部门必须核实所交付的包裹是否正确, with the proper quantity and not damaged.  The department must sign for the packages acknowledging delivery.  一旦部门签收,CRD对任何包裹不承担任何责任.

Unacceptable Incoming Goods

The following items will not be accepted by the CRD.  The department must be contacted to make delivery arrangements:

  • 没有特定名称或地址或采购订单号码的无法识别的包裹

  • 货到付款.O.D.)项目

  • 个人物品

  • 损坏的物品

  • 食品供应

  • Highly contagious 材料

  • Radioactive 材料

  • Hazardous 材料 (direct to departments)

  • Gas cylinders (direct to departments)

  • 活的动物

  • Fertilizer or grass seed (direct to Grounds Maintenance or to Golf Courses)

重量超过500磅或大于3' x 3' x 6'的货物/物品可能需要特别处理.  请联系CRD提前航运大件,以确保适当的安排作出. 

Post-Receipt Exceptions or Special Processing:

1.  错误的材料

If the wrong material was received or is damaged, the recipient department must notify the vendor immediately, 如果涉及大学采购订单,采购部也可以.  如果商品是通过呼叫标签返回的,部门必须通知CRD取货.

2.  损坏的货物

如果收到任何损坏的货物,应立即通知卖方.  包装和内容(包括所有内部包装材料)必须保持其原始状态,直到退货或更换的指示得到核实.  许多外部承运人要求在交货10天内提供检验报告.

3.  Unknown (Undeliverable) Addressee

If the only distinctive portion of a delivery address is a person’s name (i.e., 没有指定部门或大楼地址),而这个人无法被识别, the CRD will return the package to the sender.  为兼职教师或研究生助理提供商业用途的货物需要在交货地址中包含部门名称.

4.  Packages Requiring Refrigeration

在收到, 客户服务中心会将指定需要冷藏的货品放入标准冰箱,直至送达订购部门/个人.

Tracking Delivery of Packages
In the event of delayed delivery, CRD可以使用订购部门提供的跟踪号码确定包裹在承运人的交付系统中的位置.  如果没有追踪号码,并且CRD没有显示收到该物品, the ordering department should contact the vendor and request a tracer.

错误投递的物品:如果一个包裹被确定投递到错误的部门, notify the CRD and a staff member will pick up the package for re-processing.
Outgoing Shipment of Packages

Packages to be shipped must be taken to the Mail Services Department.  If the package is a return and requires a 调用标记, the return should be processed through the 中央接收 Department.  无论如何, the parcel will be inspected to ensure it is properly packaged, labeled and meets all applicable standards.


OU美联社&P #1340 Mail Service
